
Linda Past Writing Exemplary Poetry

Decent Essays

Linda Pastan is known for writing exemplary poetry. According to the Poetry Foundation, “in her senior year at Radcliffe College, Pastan won the Mademoiselle poetry prize. Immediately following graduation, however, she decided to give up writing poetry in order to concentrate on raising her family” (“Linda Pastan”). Pastan graduated college in the 1950’s, and societies expectations for women to be a wife and mother perhaps influenced her decision. According to the Poetry Foundation, “after ten years at home, her husband urged her to return to poetry. Since the early 1970s, Pastan has produced quiet lyrics…and is interested in the anxieties that exist under the surface of everyday life” (“Linda Pastan”). Pastan’s poems “The Obligation to Be Happy” and “Why Are Your Poems so Dark?” both deliver similar thoughts, that life is a balance between happiness and unhappiness. However, despite similar feelings on life, both poems have significant differences. Although “The Obligation to Be Happy” focuses on personal emotions and “Why Are Your Poems so Dark?” is a response to critics, both poems suggest that life is not always pleasing.
The first difference between “The Obligation to Be Happy” and “Why Are Your Poems so Dark?” is the way in which the poems are written. While both poems deliver similar arguments that life comes with darkness, each poem has a different point of view. In “The Obligation to Be Happy”, the point of view is in first person. Pastan writes this poem in first

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