
Line For Abortion

Decent Essays

Where to Draw the Line for Abortion One social issue that divides our nation unlike any other issue today, is that of the moral and legal status of a fetus, and the question of whether or not abortions is morally permissible. In this essay the focus will not be on the morality of abortion as a whole, but rather on whether it is right or wrong to draw a line for when it is okay or not okay to have an abortion. Personally I feel that no one has the ability or right to accurately draw a line of when a fetus becomes a person. In today’s society everyone has to have an explanation for everything, but those explanations aren’t always as clear cut as they are wanting. This leads me to the slippery slope theory because when people don’t hear what they want they just come up with their own solution. Judith Jarvis Thomson explains the slippery slope of abortion is when people “draw a line, [or] choose a point in the development and say “before this point the thing is not a person, after this point it is a person” is to make an arbitrary choice” (qtd. in Pojman 780). If one was to look up the definition of arbitrary they would find that it means to …show more content…

They see the fetus a human being with human being rights, Mary Anne Warren, a liberal who believes that abortion is morally permissible at any point in a pregnancy is out to prove them wrong. Warren’s main argument is that just because a fetus has the potential capacity for rational thought that doesn’t mean they are a human being, it just means they have the potential to become a human being (qtd. in Pojman 801). This she backs by referencing animals and how they are not considered human because they cannot develop rational thoughts. Warren claims that even though the fetus has potential to be a fully functioning human being that does not take away the right of the mother to put herself first and abort the

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