
Lion King Movie: Simba's Heroic Journey

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Simba’s Heroic Journey
The Lion King is a true hero 's journey that takes place in the savannas of Africa. The title "The Lion King" emphasizes that a lion is king, referring to the main character, Simba. Simba is the hero in the story because he regains his kingdom and defeats evil. He takes responsibility for his actions and his kingdom, and regains order and control. Simba takes part in a hero 's journey by being a part of the departure, initiation, and the return. After Simba’s father, the ruler of the kingdom is killed while trying to save Simba caught in a heard of wilder beasts; is where Simba’s departure begins, he is banished from his homeland by his evil uncle Scar. Scar tells Simba “to leave and never return.” (The Lion …show more content…

Simba then leaps up and attacks Scar and holds him down by the neck and makes him admit what he did in front of the hyena’s and other lions. Every one then begins to attack one another. Scar and Simba once again are face to face. As Simba is coming toward Scar, he begs for Simba’s mercy. And then blames everything he did on the hyenas calling them “the enemy” (The Lion King). The hyenas end up

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