
Listen Here's A Story

Good Essays

While reading “Listen Here’s a Story” I’ve token a great interest in the lives of the women and group presented in the book. When deciding to choice a chapter to write this essay I choice chapter seven because it has much to do with these groups as whole. For example who clams what? How has relationship between the groups survived after all these years? Should groups be classified? Do I share a responsibility with people around the world? And what have I learned from these women amazing lives? While answering these questions I see different connections and how it reflects to what I have learned in the cultural anthropology class. Therefore, I will answer these questions with connection from the class material and accumulated knowledge. …show more content…

A life lesson I've learned from these four women is to do right by others and they will do right by you. Be kind, be helpful and smile even when thing are down. While reading the book, “Listen Here’s a Story” each of these women spoke about abuse or death they have experienced throughout their lives, however, they have kept fight and working despite these experiencing. These women survived for their child but because they were strong women they were about to love and support them. Nali for example gets up in the morning goes to the river bring backs water, makes food with an infant, get the firewood then washes her child and the plates, cleans the home and in her spare time sings and dances. She makes it a priority though to take care of her children knowing that her hard work will earn their respect and they will return the favor in taking care if her when she is old. (190-191) This is generally what these women’s work routines with some variations. Except Konga she is too old to work but others help her by sharing their food, it is said that she is humorous person (21) and this is one of the reason why are kind. Although, many would look down on these women as poor or helpless, to me these women are in a tough environment but have kept themselves together with their children and respect. In

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