
Literary Analysis Of A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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Touched by Grace the Mystery of Salvation:
Discovering the Deeper Meaning of “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”
Writers use literary elements, such as plot, setting, characters, and mood as a foundation in their works. By engaging and guiding the reader with literary techniques like simile, foreshadowing, and irony, the author invokes the reader to ask questions in order to discover the significance of the message. Author Flannery O'Connor opens the Gothic tale, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” as a family of six prepares to leave on a road trip to Florida where an escaped murder known as “The Misfit” is at large. The author introduces the family: the grandmother, her son Baily, his young wife, the baby, their son John Wesley, their daughter June Star, …show more content…

O’Connor uses foreshadowing to establish the fact that this family is headed on a destructive path as she writes, “They passed a large cotton field with five or six graves fenced in the middle of it, like a small island. ‘Look at the graveyard!’ the grandmother said, pointing it out. ‘That was the old family burying ground’” (407). This scene in the story forewarns the reader of the family’s fate if they continue their unrighteous path. The article, “Flannery O'Connor,” analyzes the symbolism O’Connor applies in the short story, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” It states, “The family will need six gravesites if each has their own but only five if the baby is buried with the mother” ("Flannery O'Connor" 2). These clues create suspense as O’Conner describes the treacherous road conditions the family travels as they deviate from their journey to explore a plantation that the grandmother lies holds hidden treasure. As a result, the reader must question if this was the best idea or if the family is destined to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Suddenly, O’Conner partially exposes what she has been leading up to—flashback! Horrified, the grandmother jumps and knocks over the basket containing the cat. She realizes this is not the way to the plantation, not even the same state. However, it is too late; the damage is done. A frightened Pitti-Sing escapes and plants …show more content…

Her allusion to Timothy, Georgia, the town in which the family stops for dinner, leads us to I Timothy in the Bible. This book in the Bible details the description of how a Christian should live. Up until now, the grandmother has lived a shallow life full of superficial values. The Misfit, not knowing God, makes an emotional statement that if he had known God; his life may have been different. For the first time, the grandmother stops thinking of herself and reaches out to console The Misfit. Nevertheless, three final shots ring out, and the grandmother lays in a pool of blood. Author Flannery O'Connor leaves the reader with this final statement from The Misfit: “She would have been a good woman…if it had been someone there to shoot her every minute of her life” (418). The grandmother would have been a better person had she lived every moment as her last or with a gun to her head. In her last fleeting moments, the grandmother, touched by grace, was filled with love and understanding as she acknowledges the errors of her ways. Clemson University’s Doctor Hallman Bryant

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