
Literary Analysis Of Emily Dickinson : The Pain Of Success

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Emily Dickinson Analysis “Success is counted sweetest, by those who ne’er succeed.” -Emily Dickinson. When Dickinson speaks of the pain of failure and the satisfaction of victory, she speaks from experience. The hermit-like poet wrote nearly 2,000 poems by the time she died at 55. Emily Dickinson was a reserved poet and her work was largely unpopular during her life. She wrote under the topics of mortality and romance, however her works are always questioned of originality and for their vague nature. Like many famed writers such as Confucius or Voltaire; Dickinson’s writings weren’t popularized for another century, when she and Walt Whitman grew to be known as the best 19th Century poets. The writer was born in December of 1830 to a devoutly Christian family in Amherst, Massachusetts. It was around the time of her birth that the transcendentalist movement exploded, and perhaps this is why she became so reclusive. It is also speculated that Dickinson suffered a romantic disappointment around this time, which is believed to also be why she retreated to such a secluded lifestyle, where she was left alone to her thoughts and writings. She withdrew from society in her teens and her only contact with others was through letters. Similarly to Lao Tzu and Henry David Thoreau, Dickinson became fascinated with nature. It was for a long duration of time that Emily’s work was entirely unrecognized and unknown. Throughout her career, Emily Dickinson’s works largely revolved around the

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