
Literary Analysis Of Home Burial By Robert Frost

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Home Burial” by Robert Frost “Home Burial”, by Robert Frost, presents a continuous scene and is written as a dramatic dialogue, rather than a descriptive narrative. In this dialogue, Frost Creates a tense conversation between a husband and wife, whose child has just died. As a man and farmer, who accepts death as more of a natural occurrence, the husband’s grief pales in comparison to that of his wife, and this is the cause of the tension between them. This is evident in the lines where the wife doubts that her husband does not even see the child’s grave. The lines 15- 19 at the beginning of this poem, communicate these doubts: “She let him look, sure that he wouldn’t see, Blind creature; and awhile he didn’t see. But at last he murmured, “Oh,” and again, “Oh.” “What is it—what?” she said. “Just that I see.” “You don’t,” she challenged. “Tell me what it is.” As the wife speaks these lines, we see how the author constructs the theme of doubt and drama. As one of the longest and most emotionally disturbing poems that Frost has written in his lifetime, this one analyses two tragedies: first, the death of the child, and second, the death of a marriage. Beginning with the first stanza, the scene is set for the entire poem, which includes a staircase, a window and the front door. This staircase is imperative to this story, as it sets up the position of the characters relationship, changing throughout the poem. As the wife initially stands at the top of the

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