
Literary Devices In Romeo And Juliet

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(H)The play Romeo and Juliet is filled with grief and sorrow all because of two star crossed lovers, who loved each other to death. (B) This play was created by (Author)William Shakespeare who incorporated many literary devices in his plays but mostly in Romeo and Juliet. (Th)The theme he set in his play Romeo and Juliet, is that love can come at a cost. These devices that Shakespeare used helps point out the theme and supports it, these devices are, tragic hero, allusion, and antagonist. (T)Tragic hero in many ways connects to the theme of Romeo and Juliet which is that love comes at a cost by,(E) in act 5, scene 3, and lines 23 - 184, where Romeo over the loss of his lover Juliet, goes to the tomb where she is buried and kills himself with …show more content…

Then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger, This is thy sheath. There rust and let me die.”.(A) This is the mistake that neither didn’t see coming and could be easily avoided by just waiting for friar Lawrence but their love caused them to die and not death to time.(A) Juliet couldn’t have done anything from preventing this from happening but her eagerness to stop the marriage that her parents set her up with Paris (he loves her but doesn’t know her secret marriage to Romeo).(A) There was nearly nothing to stop the lovers deaths from ending and all because Romeo’s mistake to not wait and hear what the friar had to say to Romeo before he killed himself. (E) Also in act 2, scene 2, lines 109 - 148, where Romeo and Juliet swear to hid their love by swearing to the sun and to marry tomorrow by Friar Lawrence saying “Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed. If that thy bent of love be honorable, thy purpose marriage, send me word …show more content…

(E) In act 1, scene 4, lines 50 - 54, Romeo is feeling doubt about the party he is about to go in and his friend asked him why he replied, saying that he had a dream that terrible things are about to happen to the party during this he talks to Mercutio, “ROMEO-And we mean well in going to this mask, But ’tis no wit to go. MERCUTIO- Why, may one ask? ROMEO- I dreamt a dream tonight. MERCUTIO- And so did I. ROMEO-Well, what was yours? MERCUTIO- That dreamers often lie. ROMEO- In bed asleep while they do dream things true”. (A) Romeo’s dream alludes to the ending of Romeo and Juliet which both lovers die. (A) Even Romeo barely knows the events that will follow; Shakespeare wanted to include it so the character references his demise. (A) Also, Romeo is in a state of being very emotional and his friend convinces him that his dream is just nothing but, he was wrong. (E) In act 3, scene 5, lines 236-244, Juliet is being force to marry Paris who she doesn’t love and the nurse recommended that Juliet marry Paris anyways Juliet is angry and is despises the nurse for saying that and the aside near the end of the scene gives an insight to Juliet’s thoughts on the nurse “JULIET-Ancient damnation! O most wicked fiend! Is it more sin to wish me thus forsworn, Or to dispraise my lord with that same tongue Which she hath praised him with above compare So many thousand

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