
Literature In Lord Of The Flies And To Kill A Mockingbird

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Over the summer I was opened up to a new and adventurous side of literature. From a plane crash and savagery, to racial issues, to child suffrage it really widened my view on life's hardships. Reading Ellen Foster, Lord of the Flies, and To Kill a Mockingbird really stretched my imagination. Each book had there own twists and turns, but I believe they all linked in amazing ways. One way all three novels connected in my opinion, would be how tenacious kids are when they have to overcome adversity.
In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, there is a plane crash which abandones a large amount of little boys with no adults on an island stranded with no food, water, or shelter easily accessible. The boys struggle to survive through the whole book and end up turning on each other because of a disagreement of what is more important, a signal fire or hunting. A quote from this book reads, "'Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in!'" (Golding page. 104). This quote displays what Jack believes is the right path of the boys surviving on the island, hunting. Ralph on the other hand, had a different approach of obtaining order. This quote explains just that, "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'" (Golding page. 40). All being under sixteen of age they shouldn't have to deal with this kind of situation. They are obviously not responsible enough to survive on their own being that

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