
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott

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Little Women, a novel written in 1868 also known as the 19th century. Louisa May Alcott, the author of the Little women captures values of social class and characteristics of the 19th century that are then reflected in the characters in her book. The characters in the book are written about the actual people in Louisa’s family. Little Women has themes such as coming of age, developing self-knowledge, overcoming personal faults, and female independence. The way Louisa wrote Little Women makes all the women characters come across as conventional to the readers. Little Women written by Louisa May Alcott takes aspects of the 19th century and puts that into the women characters, showing female independence and the strength of women. Louisa was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832, she was the daughter of Abigail and Bronson Alcott. She wasn’t raised in a very rich family, her mother had to make her and her sisters clothes (Gallogly). Louisa was very headstrong and adventurous, her dad pushed very hard for her to write. Both of her parents were very supportive of her writing. Louisa wrote Little Women when she was thirty-five years old (Collins 3), the majority of her writings were written for young girls. Little Women was Louisa’s best selling book, this book allowed young girls the ability to understand that there are women out there that work hard and that life isn’t as simple as most people think. Louisa hoped that the young girls that read her novel would

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