
Locke And Hobbes Research Paper

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The intent of this paper is to look more closely at what Hobbes and Locke wrote concerning the pre-political or pre-social state called the State of Nature; and the transition from the State of Nature to society, referred to as the social contract.
Hobbes wrote that in order for men to have security and to escape the State of War that exists in the State of nature, they must "conferre all their power and strength upon one Man" and that this man will "beare their Person." In fact, Hobbes did not consider the State of Nature as having existed generally throughout the world. Locke on the other hand says that it is a state men are naturally in and will remain so unless men consent to form a civil society.
Treatises, Sigmund also points out the …show more content…

No man has any jurisdiction over any other and each has an equal right to his Life, Liberty, and Property. Concerning life and liberty, Men are able to live their lives free from the demands of anyone else. Locke, like Hobbes, considers governments in the State of Nature with respect to each other.
In John Locke: Essays on the State of Nature, von Leyden suggests that Locke was influenced by Hobbes in that Hobbes' ideas caused Locke to explore the idea of Natural Law and Hobbes' extreme views.Both Locke and Hobbes define the State of Nature as the absence of a common superior on Earth.
The Right of Nature is defined by Hobbes as: ... the Liberty each man hath, to use his own power, as he will himself, for the preservation of his own Nature. That is to say, of his own Life; and consequently, of doing anything, which in his own Judgement, and Reason, he shall conceive to be the aptest means thereunto. Liberty, according to Hobbes is simply the absence of external impediments to motion, which will prevent a person from some actions, but not from all the actions available to him or her. So, there is not much in the Primary State of Nature to prevent

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