
Locke Vs Thomas Hobbes Human Nature Essay

Decent Essays

England saw an incredible social change in the years between 1640 and 1714. However out of the chaos and uncertainty of the English revolution, emerged two of the greatest philosophers, Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. They were political philosophers known for their theories about human nature. Both philosophers have slightly different perspectives on the state of human nature - an environment without laws and social structures one in which “human nature” existed without constraints. They talked about violent revolution and the relationship between a society and its government.
John Locke did not view political unrest or even violent revolution as bad things since he believed that every person has the right to renegotiate and speak up. He saw the human nature as reasonably safe since he claims that human’s mind begins as a blank slate. Locke said, “ All ideas come from sensation or reflection.” (Of ideas). He believed that ideas come from two things. First is sensation, and that is by sensing particular objects, which convey into the mind several distinct perceptions. Second is reflection, which …show more content…

If we are raised to be good, we will mature into decent human beings. Yet, once the element of evil is introduced into our minds, we then have the potential to do ruthless things. In addition, a man will always want what is best for him as we are created this way. Hence, a society ought to be under the control by the government. Having a government does not mean that you cannot express your feelings and opinions. Individuals should have the right to express their opinions in a decent way. Therefore, we should have a common power upon us all but at the same time every man should have the right to express their thoughts in a civilized way. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke differed many ways in their views of human nature, the state of nature and social contract, but they both agreed on one point and that is a society needs a

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