
Loneliness In James Wright's A Blessing

Decent Essays

“A Blessing” is a poem that may be about James Wright realizing how depressed the world is. His simile about the slender pony being “as delicate as the skin over a girl’s wrist” is rather intriguing. I’m not entirely sure what it means, but maybe it has something to do with depression. It’s common for people to cut their wrists when they are depressed and your wrists are sensitive because if you cut too deep you could die. He also mentioned that, “There is no loneliness like theirs.” Loneliness leads to depression and depressed people know a loneliness like no other. The pasture and the barbed wire could be a symbol of the wall or fence that we put up when we are depressed. In this poem, we would be the horses. All it takes is someone to scale the fence and, whether we want to admit it or not, we become grateful that they’re …show more content…

She has a serious woodchuck problem and she tried killing them with gas but that didn’t work. So, she turned to the trusty .22. She killed them and described how awful the massacre felt. At the end she says that she would rather they just die from the gas. She compared it to the Nazis. She was Jewish, so the Nazi line was clearly a stab to show how awful the Nazis really were. With the knowledge of her being Jewish, this makes the whole entire poem have an even more sinister tone to it. Re-reading it, you will see that the Jews are the woodchucks in this story. The Nazis tried gassing the Jews and any Jew that wasn’t successfully gassed, was shot. In the poem, the woodchucks are seen as an infestation just like the Jews were by the Nazis. She also talks about a woodchuck that managed to survive and how much this upsets her (to the point where she has dreams of killing it). This is showing that the Nazis had the same thought process when Jews escaped from them. This poem was too real and because of that, it was dark and left me a little

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