
Loneliness In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Loneliness, is when one is in the state of isolation, consistently having the feeling of no hope or dreams, and no human would ever want that. In the 1930s, the stock market crashed and led people to lose their stocks become homeless which led to the Great Depression. . Loneliness can be caused by many different types of discrimination, especially in a society full of oppression and stereotypes. In today's society, loneliness appears in many different cases. In the novel, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, illustrates how the characters suffer from loneliness and isolation. This theme revolves around the entire book proving how each character at one point has felt this way. In this essay you will learn the three main characters are affect …show more content…

In the novel, of Mice and Men, she is the only character that is a woman and does not have a name. This tells us that during this time, women were thought less of and considered less important because back in the 1930s, women were discriminated from jobs and had to stay at home and take care of the house on the ranch. On the ranch, she is also the only women and she does not have anyone willing to talk to her either. There is not much a woman can do on the ranch, which leads to Curley's wife trying to interact with the other men on the ranch but she faces rejection every time. The men know that if they get involved with the Curley's wife, Curley could possibly fire them and lose their job. Afterwards, she goes into Crook's side of the ranch looking for her husband because no other man wants to. Moments after, Crooks tell her to get out, "Well I ain't giving you no trouble. Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in a while?" (Steinbeck 76?). This shows how Crooks treat her like she is unworthy, while on the other hand, Curley's wife just wants someone to talk. No matter how much she tries, the rouge makeup she puts on, and the beauty she has, she just gets pushed further away from the men and feels isolated due to her sexuality. Before she had met Curley, she wanted to pursue her dream of becoming an actress, but that is taken away when her mother told her she is too young to leave home. After this, …show more content…

The theme of loneliness is especially emphasized on Crooks, due to his circumstances. Something that sets Crooks apart from every other character in the book was the color of his skin. On the ranch, the men around him do not interact with him and Crooks chooses not to participate in any social events because he will feel left out. This is caused by the prejudice of all the other workers that are discriminating him from all their events resulting in Crooks always being in his isolated room. For example, when Lennie walked into Crooks room, he started talking to Lennie, "A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't matter no difference who the guy is, longs he with you. I tell ya a guy gets too lonely an he gets sick,"(Steinbeck 105). This shows us that as soon as Lennie walked into his bunkhouse, he did not mind if Lennie listened or not, because he is that desperate. Crooks doesn’t have anybody to talk about his emotions to the point that he feels ill. When Crooks gets visiters, he becomes suspicious. When he finally does get company, he becomes suspicious and fears what could happen if they were in there for the wrong reason. This is shown when Crooks finishes blabing, "Lennie smiled helplessly in an attempt to make friends. Crooks said sharply, 'You got no right to come in my room. This here's my room. Nobody got any right in here but me.'"

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