
Long Term Effects Of Marijuana

Decent Essays

Introduction Paragraph: “In 1980, the average THC content in marijuana was about 1%. By 1997, the average THC content was close to 5.1%; in 2008, 10.2%. The average strength of the marijuana plant in the U.S. today is around 15–20%. The highest level found in the plant is around 32%.”(Alcohol vs. Marijuana). Marijuana has been around for a long time, but we are still learning things about it today.The history and the effects of marijuana are some of the reasons why it is illegal in a majority of U.S. states. Body Paragraph: There are many long-term effects effects of the use of marijuana-like substances. Some cases of memory loss have been related to marijuana, especially in kids. Some people may suffer bronchitis because of smoking marijuana. …show more content…

According to Marcel O. Bonn-Miller, the author of “Marijuana”, The high may include a dreamy, relaxed state in which users seem more aware of their senses. The high may last around 1 to 3 hours, but could be more if eaten rather than smoked. After using marijuana, their feelings, thoughts, and perceptions change. In some people, marijuana may cause anxiety or panic. “Short-term physiological effects of marijuana use include redness in the eyes and a rapid heartbeat, as well as increased hunger and sensitivity of the senses, often taste, hearing, and smell.” (Marijuana) Marijuana use interferes with judgement and coordination while high. People who are high from marijuana have a slower reaction time. Increased heart rate is also a common effect in the use of …show more content…

For instance, there is heroin, a drug used through injection or many other ways, has more serious effect and a higher chance of death. Heroin is a newer drug than marijuana, but is becoming more common. The history of marijuana goes back to even B.C. times. It has been used by a wide variety of people and in different ways. Today, most states still have marijuana illegal. In the future, it could become legal not only for medical use, but recreational use in all

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