
Long Term Effects Of Waste Management

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Long term effect of waste management
To prevent damaging the Earth’s ecosystems and maintain a high quality of life for the planet’s inhabitants, we must manage our waste safely. However, the disposals are still having lasting effects on our environment. There is a need for employing new technology to improve the waste management and achieve compatibility in the cost of treatment processes and the maximum effect on controlling the pollution caused by waste. The combination process to treat leachate and in situ aeration are two examples of these new technologies.

Waste management refers to all the actions required to manage waste from inception to final disposal in accordance with local environmental guidelines. Waste management is important for it reduces the adverse effect on human health and environment. For instance, if isn’t controlled, 1 gallon of used motor oil can potentially contaminate one million gal of drinking water (World of Earth Science, 2003). According to statistics, 32.5% of the trash is recycled or composted, 12.5% is burnt and 55% is buried in landfills (Freudenrich, 2000). So, landfill and incineration are two major ways of contemporary waste management.

Landfill is a disposal of waste by burying them into ground, it provides disposal for solid waste that cannot be reused or composted. The major purpose of it is to keep it from harming the environment (Enlighten Me, 2014). Landfills are required to follow strict environmental laws, and they have

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