
Essay on Looking Like the Enemy

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Mary Matsuda Gruenewald, Looking Like the Enemy: My Story of Imprisonment in Japanese American Internment Camps

1. Why are interned Japanese Americans referred to as the “silent generation” (p.x)?

They were referred to as the silent generation because many of them did not speak about their experiences to anyone, not even their children after their times in imprisonment. They were a silent generation.

2. What were the specific challenges Gruenewald and other interned Japanese Americans faced in “camp” life? How did individuals and families adapt to these changes?

Camp life for Gruenewald and the others in the interment camps in California was hot, with bad food, and absolutely no privacy. Their showers were in one …show more content…

They did not know the consequences of their choices on this questionnaire, and this was a great conflict for the Japanese Americans. Many had different interpretations of the questions. Many argue with one another about their answers, and their meanings of the questions. Answering yes to the second question would imply an admission of allegiance to the Japanese emperor in the past. For aliens in the United States answering yes to question 28 would mean that they would be without a country, as japan was their home country. However, answering no could result in deportation for them. Everyone was confused on what to do. The “no-no” boys were protestors to the questions 27 and 28. They were protesting the way in which they were being treated. They refused to go into the military, and were then labeled “no-no” boys. During the time when they needed to declared their loyalties, while the “no-no’s were deemed as disloyal.

4. What does Gruenewald say about why she wrote the book? She says that many ask why didn’t you fight back, or why did you go like sheep to be slaughtered without any resistance? The questions made her rethink her experience. In her 70’s she began to write about her imprisonment, and after the times of 9/11 it is crucial that she felt she told her story. If she shared her experiences, this will be one more convincing piece of evidence against the possibility of interment camps in the United States every happening again.

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