
Lord Of The Flies And The Book Thief Analysis

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“Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”(Golding 72) In the text the Lord Of The Flies by William Golding and the text The Book Thief By Markus Zusak, both authors deal with the main idea, repercussions of war. The topic is worth investigating because war affects people in many different ways, whether it be emotional, psychological or physical. The people that are affected do not have to be part of an army or part of the combat, they can be anyone. Specifically, Figuring out in which ways, war can affect these people in the novels and how it has impacted their behavior and their decisions. As a result, those affected may make irrational of impartial based on their state of mind. Loss, death, and fear, are just a few of the many repercussions …show more content…

The first area to be investigated is loss.

Loss can be a heartbreaking experience or just an inconvenience. It is significant in both books because of what the characters loss or what the characters loose. Whether it is a family member or an object, all the losses have some significance to the war or symbolism. In the novel, the book thief Liesel loses her mother. “ There was a chaos of goodbye”(Zusak 25). “The sudden realization that this would all be for nothing - that her mother would never write back and she would never see her again.” (Zusak 99). These two quotes explain Liesel's loss of her mother. When Liesel joined her new family and she never got a letter back, she realized that her old life is behind her and she can never go back to her mother. Her mother is thought to have been taken away by the Nazis because of her political position. “The hallway murmured.”(Zusak 99) This quote is an example of personification. I the lord of the flies the …show more content…

Where there is war there will be death in some form, In the novels death is shown through physical death, Death of a former self, and symbolic death. In the book thief death is an important aspect, mainly because Death is the narrator of the novel. Death is exhibited, through the loss of a loved one, the war and, the death of liesel old life. Many of the characters in the book thief experience the loss of a loved one. For example, Ilsa Hermann lost her son, liesel lost her brother, and, Michael Holtzapfel committed suicide. “He killed himself for wanting to live.”(Zusak 503). This quote explains That michael killed himself for wanting to live and leaving his mother when the bomb sirens were going off. Suffering a death of your former self does not mean there is no memeroies of your past is just means you have staryed a ne charter in your life and you only can move fowad never backwards. Max suffers a death of his former self as soon as he leaves his mother in his hometowm. leaving his home destroyed a part of his life that he can never go back to. He realizes this but he knows he has to do it to carry out his life and contuine on his family legacy. Maxs death of his former self only leads to new beginnings in his life. When he fouund refuge at the hubbermans this was the new chapter in his life. The fact that Deat is the narrator and death is one of the important aspects in this novel is ironic. In the novl the

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