
Lord Of The Flies And The Most Dangerous Game Essay

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On August 18, 2017, a man named Mark Johnson was mountain biking in Massachusetts when he crashed while rounding a curve on a trail. His bike tire was jammed into a pile of rocks, causing him to fall down a declivity. He was found by other bikers, but it was too late. Although some may argue that it is not completely his fault due to the fact that he was not expecting the pile of rocks to be the obstruction that led to his death, he had complete control over his decisions and actions to take the risk and mountain bike. Putting oneself in a similar situation with control of all decisions being made and all actions being performed means that he or she should be held accountable for their actions. This is prevalent in the characters and …show more content…

Jack was not the only boy who put himself in a life-or-death situation. Ralph also got into a situation that almost got him killed at the end of the story. When Ralph was elected as chief, he made numerous promises to the other boys. He promised fruitful and fun results of doing the necessary labor on the island. As the plot progresses, however, it becomes prevalent that no promises are made, which Ralph also realizes. Because Ralph chooses to not fulfill the promises and requests of the other boys, he forms conflicts and separation that lead to his very near death. Ultimately, through Jack and Ralph, the Lord of the Flies is able to portray that having control over decisions and actions makes one accountable for being in a life-or-death situation. Additionally, through its narrator and the narrator’s best friend K., “The Seventh Man” clearly shows a life-or-death situation in the case of a typhoon in Japan. When in the eye of the storm, the narrator, who was a young child at the time, decided to take the risk to visit the nearby beach. K. decided to follow him. After calmly watching the beach, the narrator heard an extremely deep and loud rumbling coming from the earth. K., however, did not seem to hear the sound. Following his instincts, the narrator left K. to find safety behind a nearby dike. When the narrator called to K., he did not respond. An enormous

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