
Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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1. At the end of the novel, Ralph is no longer innocent. Why? How did Golding show Ralph losing his innocence?
At the start of the novel Ralph is portrayed as an innocent boy who was trying to help everyone and get rescued, but as the story progresses he changes and loses his innocence.
At the start, when the boys first get on the island, Ralph and Piggy found each other, shortly after, the boys find the conch and call a meeting Ralph is then elected Chief. At this point he was innocent.
When the boys are chanting around the fire, Simon emerges from the jungle and the boys kill him, before this when Roger is imitating a pig, Ralph was eager to join in “Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take place in this demented but partly secure society.” This is where he starts to let go of his innocence.
By the end of the book when the boys are rescued Ralph had lost his innocence, “Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of a man’s heart , and the fall through the air of true, wise friend called Piggy” this possibly telling us that Ralph doesn’t want to be innocent because it causes him pain and anguish.

2. How does Freud’s theory of personality support or contradict Golding’s point of view?
Freud’s theory of personality has a great resemblance in the characters from Golding’s book Lord of the Flies.
In the novel each of the characters have very different personality traits and their personality traits are supported by Freud’s theory of

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