
Lord Of The Flies Fire On The Mountain Symbolism

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RR#2 Fire On The Mountain The Boys consider the island a good island because it has the essentials of what they need to survive. They have clean water, trees they could use to build a shelter and they are protected from warfare. They were lucky to be on an island that provides clean water, because without it they will die. Also there's pigs on the island that they can use as food. The Beastie is a creature that the boys think is on the island and that it's following them. The symbolism of the beastie is the fear of making them feel scared and helpless. The boys decide if there going to be recused they need to start a fire in the top if the mountain. There going to do that in case a plane or helicopter passes by and can see them. The boys start a fire with Piggy's glasses, they use the sun and the glass to create heat and start a fire. The boy with the mark on his face probably …show more content…

Ralph thinks it should be building a shelter because of the weather. Jack thinks hunting pigs is more important. Also both of them are leader types and are competitive. Ralph feels it's important to build huts for the littluns because they are younger kids who need to be taken care of. Ralph wants to make sure they are safe. Ralph wants the little kids to feel like their being taken care after and that they have someone there for them. Some of Ralph's jobs were to build huts. They are unwilling to do work because Jack says they want meat, that there hungry. Jacks priority is surviving, he everyone to eat so they don't become weak and get sick. If your hungry you can't be really productive and that's what jack sees. Jack feels that hunting is the most important job on the island. He thinks it's important to gather food, to hunt pigs for their meat. Simon goes through the jungle and gets fruit for the little kids( Ittluns) Simon finds a peaceful, beautiful open area and

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