
Lord Of The Flies Literary Analysis

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The Dark Side of Human Nature College Prep Lit People often spend a lot of time trying to determine what it takes to drive a person into the dark depths of human nature, but this book explains just that. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding starts with two characters on an abandoned island after a plane crash trying to figure out what to do. They find a conch shell and use it to call all of the other children on the island. When they all gather they decide to set up a government of sorts to try and be rescued but also survive. They quickly learn that this will not last when there is a challenge for chief and how to run the day. Things quickly go from bad to worse when the tribes go head to head, which in bloodshed. When the first group of kids have all but one been eradicated, the savage group decides to hunt. They chase him all over the island, setting it on fire to draw him out, and follow him all the way back to shore and to his saving grace. He runs up to find a navy officer and his crew who seen the smoke from the fire, though ashamed of their actions he is still their savior. This book brings about a whole new thinking of the fight between the extreme sides of human nature. …show more content…

They discover that their plane crashed onto an abandoned island with no inhabitants. They mentioned that they were being moved because of threat of nuclear war, and it is believed that it is around the time a World War 2. The setting of this book is a realistic environment but it is highly probable that it is not a real historical event. The most improbable thing about this setting is that there are no adults, not even the pilot that flew all of the kids to this island. “Perhaps there aren't any grownups anywhere.” (page 6). The beginning of this book brings around a lot of questions that seem to never have a definite

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