
Loss Of Humanity In Night By Elie Wiesel

Decent Essays

The jewish Holocaust contained many things that people found were against “humanity”. Many people associate someone losing their humanity with someone killing another person or doing something bad. But there is more to that. In the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel there are many examples of people losing their humanity. I think that there are certain ways one can lose their humanity. If they stop contributing to society and do not accept any humans or only care about basic needs like food and water then they have lost their humanity. But just because something is lost does not mean it can be can’t be found again. That is why I think if one comes to their senses, accepts their mistakes and learns to think beyond food and water they can gain …show more content…

The only one who he cared for the most was his father. But once he died Elie felt a sigh of relief and almost felt free that his old washed up father was finally dead. “I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!” (pg.112) Elie tried to feel sad for his fathers death but nothing really came out. He simply did not have any tears left and on the inside felt relieved. He probably only felt sad once he got out of the camps and made a recovery (or got his “humanity” back). He only cared about his survival and now that his dad was dead he could finally not have to watch over him. Elie only cares about himself and this causes him to lose his faith in others. Before this happens Elie ponders another idea about why maybe he should just leave his father. “A terrible thought crossed my mind: What if he had wanted to be rid of his father? He had felt his father growing weaker and, believing that the end was near, had thought by this separation to free himself of a burden that could diminish his own chance for survival” (pg.91) A person who still had their humanity would not think about this because they would not think that people would want to do this to there own family. Elie thought about perhaps doing this to his father. He …show more content…

But that does not make us human. A pig also needs water and food. So does a duck or cow or basically any other living thing. Food and water does not make us unique. A pig oinks. A duck quacks. Flowers pollinate. These are things that set them apart from each other. If a human only cares about basic needs it makes them not unique and not very human at all. As the book progresses Elie does only care about these things and in the end loses his humanity. This is first shown when someone tells Ellie that it is everyone for himself in the camp and he should not care about his dying father. “Yet at the same time a thought crept into my mind: If only I didn't find him! If only I were relieved of this responsibility, I could use all my strength to fight for my own survival, to take care only of myself” (pg.106) Elie starts to get sick fast of taking care of his father. Now he only starts to care about himself and what he should do. Elie does not care about his father's health or where he is or even if he loves his father. He only cares about taking care of himself and making sure he can survive in the camps. So maybe after his father passes he starts to regain his humanity? No. Even when he is liberated he does not care about revenge. Only basic things like food and shelter. “Our first act as free men was to throw ourselves onto the provisions. That's all we thought about. No thought of revenge, or of

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