
Louisiana Purchase Research Paper

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The Louisiana purchase was a purchase that the United States bought from France. The United States bought land from France. The United States purchased the Louisiana territory from France on July 4th of 1803. According to, “The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was a land deal made between the United States and France. The United States received 827,000 square miles of land in the west of the Mississippi River for 15 million dollars” ( Also, the same year the United States purchased Louisiana territory from France the President Thomas Jefferson sends Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with other recruits to explore the Louisiana territory. Lewis and Clark also had a very long journey because their journey lasted for …show more content…

Thomas Jefferson started budgeting after he became president. President Thomas Jefferson started budgeting because “As he became president, he scaled back Federalists building plans for Washington and cut the government budget” According to, the text American Promise (American Promise 258). Thomas Jefferson decreased the government’s budget because he made the army smaller, had less Navy ships and he canceled federal taxes. Also, the American Promise text, states “Jefferson’s desire to keep government and military met a severe test in the Mediterranean Sea, where U.S trading interests ran afoul of several states on the Northern coast of Africa” (American Promise 259). Additionally, I believe that Thomas Jefferson’s small military was at odds because many Americans traveling by ships were captured and put into slavery “and the U.S agreed to pay fifty thousand dollars as tribute” (American Promise 259). Lastly, in my opinion, I believe Jefferson’s perspective of the Louisiana purchase and vision of republican simplicity was at odds because he budgeted the American government and made the military

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