
Love In The Great Gatsby

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Love in West and East Egg When Fitzgerald wrote his book “The Great Gatsby” he considered many other title names to be the name of his new book. Examples of these titles are “On The Road To West Egg” and “Trimalchio.” Based on the theme of love, which the book is strongly influenced by, the book should have been titled “Love in West and East Egg.” Throughout the book, there are many examples that show that the book focuses greatly on the theme of love. One example of this can be found on pg. 148 when Nick tells Gatsby to leave town after Daisy killed Myrtle in Gatsby's car. After exposing to Tom that Gatsby and his wife Daisy were having an affair Nick goes on to explain “..he couldn't possibly consider it (leaving town). He couldn't possibly leave Daisy until he knew what she was going to do.” Fitzgerald explains through Nick how much Gatsby is in love with Daisy regardless of the crime he would be framed for later on in the book. He wanted to stay for Daisy even …show more content…

What makes this affair so special is the love that was created between two strangers in just three months. Although, before Gatsby and Daisy were having an affair, Tom and Myrtle were having an affair as well. Daisy never found out about Tom's affair but Tom found out what was going on between Daisy and Gatsby simply by being told by them. An example of love making people make poor decisions like cheating would be on pg. 116 when the Buchanans, Nick, Jordan and Gatsby were on a train going into town. When Tom had gotten off the phone Daisy sent him to fetch some drinks for themselves. As soon as he left the room Daisy got up and kissed Gatsby on the lips then said “You know i love you.” Even though They both knew Daisy was a married woman. Regardless of Daisy's relationship status they continued on with the affair until Tom is told of it later on by a drunk

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