
Love Like There 's No Tomorrow

Decent Essays

Love Like There’s No Tomorrow
As a fourteen year old I never imagined how fast life can change. One of my most disheartening moments was watching my grandma take her last breath. It is always devastating when you lose someone, but it’s worse when that person you lost was so close to you. I lost my grandma, the person who guided me through my worst days. From that moment on, I always knew that you should never take advantage of life, and to cherish every moment because you never know when the last goodbye will be.
On January 10, 2013 my family and I received a devastating phone call during the middle of the night. It was my aunt who informed us that my grandma only had a couple of days to live. She was in her early sixties, had grey hair and whenever she smiled you could see her wrinkles. Also, she was short and loved watching telenovelas with my grandpa. At that moment it seemed like the entire world came crashing down on me. I felt my heart sink and tears started rolling down my face. I went into my room and cried to the point where my head was throbbing. The next morning, I didn’t remember what had happened after, I was clueless. I walked to the kitchen and found my parents having some fresh brewed coffee and I knew they hadn’t slept at all. They looked up when they saw me, but then continued on with their conversation. I could tell my mom was hurting and breaking inside. I wanted to give her a tight hug, but at that moment I couldn’t move. After breakfast, everyone went

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