
Lowering The Voting Age Essay

Decent Essays

Along with creating a “trickle up” effect, lowering the voting age would increase the voting field by getting more people voting from the start. Lowering the voting age would also positively affect the voting field by getting more people to vote from the start. Studies show that voting is a habit and that decreasing the voting age to 16 sixteen would increase the number of people voting from the start. This is exemplified in Scotland, where 16 and 17 sixteen and seventeen-year-olds became eligible to vote in 2014. That year, 75% of those aged 16 and 17 sixteen and seventeen voted, where only 53% of 18-24 those eighteen through twenty-four years in age year olds voted (Why the Voting Age). This can be seen once more in a state in Germany where …show more content…

Voting in college can also pose many challenges for students because there is a lot of misinformation about how to go about registering as a college student, especially regarding the location they choose to register in (Best Colleges). However, if people began voting at home at age sixteen, they would most likely continue to do so even in college because as previously stated, voting is a habit. residential voting laws might be unclear or where they might just be too busy with college to have the time to register and vote (National Youth Rights). In An article published by the Irish Times, it is stated, “[The NYCI says that] early registration, while most young people are still at home, encourages participation. By the age of 18, it argues, young people are taken up by other concerns and it becomes more difficult to interest them in politics,” (A Lower Voting Age). If people began voting before they left home, they would most likely continue to

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