
Lying Is Unacceptable Essay

Decent Essays

Lying is Unacceptable “Time will inevitably uncover dishonesty and lies; history has no place for them” (Sihanouk, n.d.). Sihanouk’s statement about lying means that lying has no place among us, it’s unacceptable. Humans have the ability to become liars, even callow children can make the choice to tell a lie. Over time, lying becomes a habit and it becomes part of people’s everyday life. The American culture tends to eschew the idea of lying, yet it becomes a habit in almost every American’s life, and it can go unnoticed. Lying is an act that can manifest into a habit or an instinct, it goes against moral values, and people try to justify it.
Liars Try to Justify Their Lies People believe that there is a “good” lie and a “bad” lie. “Good” lies are classified as lies that you tell for good reasons. For example, telling your friend she looks good in an outfit even if she looks bad, just to avoid hurting her feelings. “Bad” lies are classified as lies that someone tells to deliberately mislead someone from the truth and these lies usually have negative connotations. For example, spilling water all over grandma’s computer but blaming it on someone else. People tell “bad” lies to cover up the truth, to take the blame off themselves, or to bring negativity. However, there truly is no difference between a “good” lie and a “bad” lie. Both of these types of lies have been brought up as a way to try to justify lying, when really, dishonesty in any form is more

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