
M. Butterfly : Gender Roles And Power Essay

Decent Essays

The play M Butterfly highlights gender roles and power in a subtler way than in the film, M. Butterfly. The movie changes the timeline and thus the role of “Butterfly” has more depth because we see more of her interacting with Gallimard. Gallimard and Song undergo a role reversal navigating through the realities and fantasies of each other that are never part of the same one. Gallimard assumes the cultural stereotypes of this inferior culture and expects Song to fulfill this role while still also being devoted to him. The last scene of this play and movie changed the overall feeling of the two main characters and their other identities. The film and play address the intentions behind Song’s mission differently, in the book Song seems more calculating and comes across as teasing Gallimard and less desperate than in the film. The confrontation between Song and Gallimard adds to the final breakdown of reality versus fantasy.

Towards the end of play, Gallimard stands before the court and sees Song for the first time as a man. Song gives unheard testimony while Gallimard talks to the audience as he observes the man that was once his “butterfly.” Gallimard no longer sees the woman he fell in love with in the testimony box. The glass has shattered on this fantasy he had of her. “You’re only in my mind! All this is in my mind! I order you! To stop!” (Hwang 87) Gallimard’s ideal woman always was partially based off of cultural and gender stereotypes. Gallimard assumed

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