
Essay on Macbeth, A Tragic Hero

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Macbeth, A Tragic Hero

Macbeth is an intriguing story of witchcraft, murder and retribution that can also be seen as a study in the philosophy and psychology of evil.

Shakespeare sees deliberately to have drained colour away from some parts of his composition in order to concentrate attention on Macbeth and His wife. As Stanley Wells writes "It is Macbeth's neurotic self absorption, his fear, his anger and his despair, along with his wife's steely determination, her invoking of the powers of evil" that are the main focus of his attention.

Malcolm calls Macbeth a "dead butcher for the simple reason that he is guilty of murdering Duncan, and ordering the deaths of Banquo, Lady Macduff and …show more content…

Lady Macbeth, in the early areas of the play is the stronger of the two, in turn her confidence gives Macbeth confidence. This statement is largely based on the conversation they have prior to the murder of Duncan, where she mentions "when you durst do it, then you were a man. And to be more a man than what you were, you would be so much more a man". At this particular point in the play will see Macbeth's conscience in full effect. The soliloquy in which Macbeth claims "if it were done when 'tis done, the 'twere well it were done quickly". At this point Macbeth agonises, alone of stage, over killing Duncan. But the most effective soliloquy where Macbeth is hallucinating over the dagger, the dagger that will take the life of Duncan. This is another example of Macbeth's insecure state of mind, "a dagger of the mind, a false creation". At this point Macbeth recognises himself that he has a "heat-opressèd brain". In any case, the murder of Duncan takes place, Macbeth wins the war against his conscience on this occasion, but feels instant remorse, claiming "to know my deed, 'twere best not to know myself". On the contrary Lady Macbeth's reaction to seeing the blood stained knife is simply "a little water clears us of this deed". Macbeth acknowledges that

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