
Macbeth Act 1 Analysis

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Within Act III of Macbeth, director Kurzel utilizes specific angles, lighting, and parallels to the end of Act I in order to reveal the shift of masculine and feminine power between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, revealing Macbeth’s newfound dominance in light of his kingship, Lady Macbeth’s sudden weakness after controlling Macbeth for two Acts, and Macbeth’s vengeful motive for killing Banquo. At the beginning of his soliloquy, Macbeth is shown sitting on the ground, isolated in a large hall through a long shot. Kurzel continues the isolation figuratively in the opening by capturing Macbeth in close up, tight shots throughout the scene, intensifying the ambivalent emotions he experiences as he delivers his speech to Lady Macbeth, who had been …show more content…

As Macbeth rants, Kurzel holds a medium long shot of Macbeth clutches the dagger at Lady Macbeth’s stomach, slightly backlighted and silhouetted by the light in the hall, accentuating a certain sorrow in Macbeth’s motive for murder- to avenge his lost child. Macbeth also picks up on one of the greatest methods of persuasion Lady Macbeth employed earlier in the film in this scene. Lady Macbeth strategically attacked Macbeth’s masculinity when convincing him to kill Duncan, claiming that he would “be so much more the man” if he went through with the murder. In the film, Macbeth mirrors this tactic by holding a dagger to Lady Macbeth’s stomach as he sulks over “a fruitless crown” placed upon his head, suggesting his lack of children, and circles the dagger around her stomach as he rages over “the seed of Banquo [being] kings!”, attacking her femininity by taunting her inability to have or keep a “seed”, symbolic of a child, alive- thus fueling his motive to keep his kingship- to avenge the loss of his child and what would have been his future reign. Macbeth’s persuasion through provocation paired with the rise of dominance through intimacy- yet another technique picked up from Lady Macbeth- works just as flawlessly on her in his vengeful rant as it did when Lady Macbeth persuaded him- through sex- to kill Duncan in Act

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