
Macbeth Act 1 Questions

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Macbeth Act 1 Questions
In the first scene, the viewer is introduced to the Three Witches, who are agreeing on when and where they should meet again. This is not the important part of the scene, but it does reveal a very important theme throughout the play. “Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through the fog and filthy air” Macbeth(1.1.10-11). This clearly reveals the theme in the play of what may seem nice is evil, but what seems evil is actually nice on the inside.
In lines 16-23 in scene two, it shows how violent Macbeth truly is and how brave he is. “Till he unseamed him from the nave to th’ chops, and fixed his head upon our battlements” Macbeth(1.2.22-23). This quote shows how violent Macbeth is in war as well as his passion for war. …show more content…

In regards to fair is foul, is represented when King Duncan’s previous Thane of Cawdor betrays his country during battle by helping the rebel side. “To find the mind’s construction in the face; he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust” Macbeth(1.4.13-15). This shows how King Duncan only trusted the previous guy as Thane of Cawdor because he was good looking and nice, but was actually plotting against him on the inside. Another way is how Macbeth and his lady are secretly plotting to kill King Duncan as well. “False face must hide what the false heart doth know” Macbeth(1.7.81-82). This shows how Macbeth, while looking good on the outside, is secretly evil and planning Duncan’s death just as the witches foretold by saying fair is …show more content…

This is shown when “To find the mind’s construction in the face; he was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust.” Macbeth(1.4.12-14). It shows how he is two faced. This description also foreshadows Macbeth’s ultimate death, which will most likely be through treason. “With one that saw him die, who did report that very frankly he confessed his treasons” Macbeth(1.4.4-5). This is the biggest foreshadowing of the whole play.
Macbeth’s conflict is intensified by finding out that “the eldest, Malcolm, whom we name hereafter The Prince of Cumberland; which honor must not unaccompanied invest him only, but signs of nobleness, like stars, shall shine on all deservers” Macbeth(1.4.38-42). By finding this out, he is stricken by the news. “That is a step on which I must fall down or else o’erleap, for in my way it lies; stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires” Macbeth(1.4.48-51). This shows how big of an obstacle this is for Macbeth by his anger and frustration, that he is holding inside

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