
Macbeth As A Tragic Hero

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Macbeth is a five act tragic play written by William Shakespeare about power grab by Macbeth and the torture he faced as a result of his ambition. Macbeth is a Scottish general nobleman who seized the throne of Scotland through the influence of the prophecy of the three witches and his ambition who killed and was a tyrant to keep the power that comes along being king. Macbeth is a tragic hero according to the definition of Aristotle as he meets the criterias set forth by Aristotle. Macbeth was a hero of a high and valued position as he was the Thane of Cawdor and fought bravely in the battle in Act I. He had the tragic flaw of vaulting ambition, the prophecies of the Three Witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth maniluptation on him to have him kill Kilng Duncan. This resulted him to be king through killing King Duncan. The actions he took to keep his reign made him the victim to a “total reversal of fortune” or downfall which provoked feelings such as that of pity, fear, and regret.
A hero of a high and/or valued position becomes a tragic hero when he or she inherits unfair misery. This is due to the tragic flaw (a significant fault or error) of the hero, which is a flaw of not wanting to stay submissive to what the hero sees a potential takedown of his or her dignity and correct status. The tragic flaws results in the hero to be the victim of a “total reversal of fortune” or downfall which provokes feelings of “pity and fear.” The “total reversal of fortune” will be huge and

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