
Macbeth As A Tragic Hero

Decent Essays

Karen H.
Show how Macbeth is seen as a tragic hero “The catastrophe of the tragic hero thus becomes the catastrophe of the fifth-century man; all his furious energy and intellectual daring drive him on to this terrible discovery of his fundamental ignorance - he is not the measure of all commodity but the commodity measured and found wanting.” The words ‘tragic hero’ has undergone a deceptive and detrimental process, it goes from a favorable connotation to a repulsive connotation. A tragic hero makes “judgment errors” that are inescapable and it ultimately leads one to one’s own downfall. In the play Macbeth, the protagonist, Macbeth is seen as a tragic hero, who commences as an ethical and noble hero, but as his dark and powerful ambition unleashed, it consumed him into perpetrating ruthless acts, which led him to his own doom. Macbeth is a tragic hero because when his power and social stratification is threatened by others, it forces him to go to extreme measures in order to sustain his solidarity. As well as, tragic heroes tend to be doomed to make fatal judgments. To further exemplify the characteristics of a tragic hero is that Macbeth is responsible for his own fate and he chooses to fight honorably to reconcile himself. The play commences with Macbeth fighting honorably to protect the king and the citizens of England from atrocities, Macbeth fought two battles in one day, he felt defeated and weary but he achieved

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