
Macbeth Blood Will Have Blood Quotes

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Blood Will Have Blood
Everyone is influenced by other people in one way or another, including people who hold positions of power. Sometimes, these influences push people to make the wrong decisions. Macbeth, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, displays the many ways in which guilt manifests itself and the effects it has on its victims. Guilt is a driving force behind Macbeth’s killings, as well as driving Lady Macbeth towards madness and eventually to her death. From murder to greed, Macbeth portrays a story of the human psyche; flaws can be elevated to a point where they take over the way a person thinks and acts. Through the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both affected by guilt in ways they did not expect. Shakespeare demonstrates …show more content…

He was a fierce warrior and a man of great nobility. He was the hero who had brought down Macdonwald. A sergeant from Macbeth’s army comes into the camp and he is bloody from battle. This sergeant is covered in blood, and he is, “A good and hardy soldier… Hail, brave friend!”(Shakespeare 1.2.4-5). Blood is a sign of heroism in battle (Weller). Blood is supposed to symbolize good and victory as well as signify honor and bravery. The blood on Macbeth's sword after the gruesome war shows that he is a brave hero since he was able to slay and conquer his enemies. “It is because of this achievement, Macbeth is worthy of the title Thane of Cawdor” (Weller). The bloodied sergeant even praises Macbeth saying, “For brave Macbeth (well he deserves that name) Disdaining Fortune, with his brandish’d steel, which smoked with bloody execution” (Shakespeare 1.2.14-16). The blood shown throughout the battle represents the victory and honor of Macbeth. It is through this respect that Macbeth earns the title Thane of Cawdor as well as the respect he has from his the people around him. Macbeth has proven himself to be a strong, powerful, and trustworthy on and off the battlefield.The symbol of blood changes with the character of Macbeth. In the beginning of Macbeth blood symbolizes honor, bravery, and trust, but that changes to evil and deceitfulness, as Macbeth …show more content…

Blood is a perversion of nature, when there is blood, there is murder. After Macbeth murders Duncan, Macbeth has blood on his hands. There is physical blood on Macbeth’s hands which he can wash off with water. But, Macbeth goes on to say, “Will all great Neptune’s oceans wash this blood clean from my hand?” (Shakespeare 2.2.58-59), showing there is guilt setting into his mind already and he cannot wash it from his now stained hands. No amount of water in the world would be able to ever wash away the blood that has been spilled on Macbeth’s conscience. Nothing can ever wash away the guilt of killing Duncan (Blood Symbolism in Macbeth by William Shakespeare). Even after Macbeth realizes that he cannot escape the guilt of killing Duncan, he continues, even to go on killing his best friend Banquo. Instead of killing Banquo himself, Macbeth has people go out and kill him. After Banquo is killed by murderers, Macbeth sees his ghost appear at dinner. Macbeth starts screaming at Banquo however no one else can see him. Macbeth sees Banquo and feels the guilt weighing down on his conscience. Macbeth becomes scared of Banquo. “It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood” (Shakespeare 3.4.22). The combination of the fear and insanity all adds to his guilt. “All causes shall give way. I am in blood. Stepp’d in so far that, should

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