
Macbeth Corruption Analysis

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In Macbeth , Shakespeare uses characterization to show the corrupt actions performed in order to convey Macbeth’s corrupt lifestyle. The corrupt characterization illustrated devious actions through the series of vicious events performed by Macbeth and his impulsive wife. After Macbeth and soldiers prepare for the battle, Macbeth hears a cry of a woman within seconds, he realizes lady’s death has come and his fears vanish and he said, “I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts, cannot once start me.” (5.5.15-17)Macbeth exemplified these actions by allowing himself to murder several people. He showed no remorse regardless of the situation. Macbeth was informed on his wife’s death then his response showed the misery that had …show more content…

He then says, “ I am in blood stepped so far that should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er.”(3.4.168-170) Macbeth creates this brutal image that proves everything he has done. He admits to doing so wrong that it is not worth to return back to the normal ways. His mind had been induced to this idea of no returning back. Macbeth is convinced after all his wrong doing, it will take as long to go back as it was to get there. That proves a point, He has a corrupt, demolished lifestyle that has led him to nothing but grief and suffering. Nevertheless, Macbeth claims he is “tedious.” This word characterizes Macbeth because he finally confesses that he is unsympathetic and cold about the repetitive murderers. Shakespeare can define and characterize Macbeth through his actions but, Macbeth owns up to horrible and coldy sane personality. In the beginning his actions were corrupted. This ultimately led to a downfall and a reality and lifestyle of corruption. People who are corrupt are influenced by the actions they have lawfully done wrong after all, leading to a corrupt

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