
Macbeth Gender Roles Research Paper

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The Reversal of Gender Roles in Macbeth:
Research Paper
Gender roles were extremely prevalent in the 1600’s. Men were typically viewed as authoritative and powerful, while women were their gentle adherents. Although people have been questioning these roles for decades, they still subsist today. William Shakespeare was advanced for his time, and was one of the first people to shine light upon the issue of gender roles. Many critics, such as Catherine Thomas, believe that he demonstrated this issue in his play Macbeth, when he made Lady Macbeth the more cruel and ascendant one in the relationship. In the play, many characters of one gender, act in ways that are expected of the opposite gender.
On the surface, Lady Macbeth seems to be the typical …show more content…

While he is a great warrior of valor, he is also sentimental towards the thing he cherishes the most; his family. According to Robert Kimbrough, “... the point Shakespeare makes through Macduff is clear: bravery and compassion are not incompatible; they are both the natural…” (The Prisoner of Gender). This demonstrates how he balances his “womanly” and “manly” side. As a man, Macduff is expected to act as if the loss of his family did not affect him at all, because men are supposed to be tough at all times. Although he is supposed to act in that manner, he allows his emotions to takeover and expresses his "feminine" side as he weeps over the death of his family. He is able to quickly balance out his emotions as he allows his anger to fuel him in seeking vengeance towards Macbeth. That is seen When Malcolm encourages Macduff saying that Macbeth is “ripe for the shaking…” (4.3.238).There is nothing wrong with him being a bearded woman. In his case it makes him a better, stronger person. This demonstrates how the reversal of gender roles could potentially be positive. Unlike Macbeth, he does not let his aggression and selfishness overtake him, making him a greater leader. Because of his loyalty and compassion, his descendants are rewarded by receiving the right to the …show more content…

As previously stated, it is beneficial to have both feminine and masculine qualities. “Feminine” qualities are of great value because they help form a positive personality, and it may allow people to express their true emotions. That quality also allows people to show compassion and not be aggressive and bitter at all times. Along with “feminine” qualities, are “masculine” qualities which sanction people to be firm in their decisions and aggressive in reasonable situations. Although a combination of these qualities can be valuable to the development of one’s personality, there is no assurance that everyone will end up a valiant person like Macduff. Not only does Macduff sacrifice his life with his actions, but he also sacrifices his family’s. That may seem harsh, but that is a true act of valor. He demonstrates selflessness by doing what is right for the greater good of his country. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are the impeccable example of how being a bearded woman does not always end up with people being model citizens. They were cruel and selfish, seeking the betterment of their own lives. This demonstrates how the reversal of gender roles has both pros and cons. While some people find themselves confined to their gender role, others escape from theirs to establish who they truly are. The play Macbeth is the perfect example of how the reversal of gender

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