
Macbeth: The Murder Of King Duncan

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The play Macbeth, centers around the main character, Macbeth, a courageous man who fights loyally for King Duncan, but whose attitude and loyalty starts to change, after a prophecy by the three witches, that promise him the crown. Macbeth begins to puts his needs first and becomes obsessed with power. In this selfish state of mind, where all he can focus on is his own thoughts and desires, he begins killing people. Towards the end of the play one can't help but feel disgust for Macbeth, due to his self-absorbed ways and murderous deeds. Macbeth’s first murderous deed was killing King Duncan. Prior to killing the king, Macbeth showed signs of having a concuss, he fought bravely for the king and had reservations about killing the king. “Thinking out loud”, Macbeth listed reasons why he should not kill King Duncan, such as he is King Duncan’s subject and host and therefore should always try to protect him. In addition, Macbeth thought that Duncan was a loyal leader, stating, “Besides Duncan has been such a humble leader, so free of corruption , that his vitreous legacy will speak for him”. Despite, seeing the king as a moral ruler who would be missed by the country, Macbeth only thinks about himself and in the middle of the night goes to King Duncan’s room and stabs …show more content…

Macbeth killed Banquo because he feared the witches prophecies. The first and second of the witches prophecies came true, Macbeth became Thane of Cawdor and king, but now he afraid that third prophecy would come true. This third prophecy, placed Banquo’s sons as the future kings. In order to stop fate, Macbeth planned the murder of Banquo and his son Fleance. He lied and told three men that Banque was responsible for their terrible lives. These men viciously killed Banquo but failed to kill Fleance. Again, Macbeth put his own desires first, he killed a comrade and attempted to kill Fleance in an effort to stay

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