
Macbeth Tragic Hero Essay

Decent Essays

How thin is the line that judges one’s character? The “Tragedy of Macbeth”, first performed in 1606, and revolves around a prophecy made that includes Macbeth becoming king. In his struggle to maintain his power, Macbeth creates his character that some may describe as a tragic hero. A tragic hero is a protagonist that the audience sympathizes and identifies with throughout, who possesses a fatal flaw that leads to their destruction. However, how much does Macbeth’s character conform with that definition, especially when analyzing his emotional effect on the audience? At a glance, Macbeth’s character seems to conform perfectly to the definition of the tragic hero, but as Macbeth’s character develops he loses the support and sympathy of the audience, losing his title of a tragic hero as well.

In the initial introduction of his character, Macbeth is the perfect …show more content…

When he meets with the weird sisters, they warn him to beware Macduff and soon after he receives the news that Macduff has fled to England. Macbeth then decides that he will begin to follow his thoughts with actions, and his first action following that belief is to murder Macduff’s family. Again, Macbeth’s ambition comes into play, as Macbeth is being threatened by Macduff. However, he does not even decide to kill Macduff, but his family instead, completely crossing the line. He kills just to intimidate and hurt Macduff, not only to protect his throne. Ambition no longer justifies Macbeth’s actions, he has turned into a paranoid murderer. The audience now views Macbeth in a negative light, and cannot associate his actions with their own. They also cannot give him their sympathy, as Macbeth has let himself to be defined by his ambition and eventually his corruptedness. At the final change of character, Macbeth has officially lost what determines one as a tragic

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