
Macbeth Tragic Hero Research Paper

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A tragic hero can be described as a character who starts as an individual of noble stature, who then endures a downfall in fault of their flaws leading to self-destruction. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the protagonist Macbeth can be given the title of a tragic hero. Macbeth is a man of greatness is seen as a royal in Scotland. He is considered very courageous, honored, dignified holds a recognized name. He fights well for the country and brings pride to those around him. Though being a man of greatness, the personal flaws of Macbeth such as impatience, ambition and the manipulation of others, makes him a tragic hero.

Macbeth was a valiant and recognized man and/or hero by many around him, especially those of higher levels. Shakespeare’s Macbeth opens with scene in which a bleeding captain, presumably of the Scottish army, is praising Macbeth’s act of courage during the battle, …show more content…

He only has the intentions of following orders of others and fulfilling the duties of his role. The captain’s praise exhibits the thoughts of others when it came to Macbeth as a man of greatness. The King of Scotland, King Duncan is also impressed with Macbeth’s fearlessness and loyalty.
…Thou art so far before
That swiftest wing of recompense is slow
To overtake thee. Would thou hadst less deserved,
That the proportion both of thanks and payment
Might have been mine! Only I have left to

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