
Macbeth's Ambition Research Paper

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Ambition is the passion to achieve success, yet there is an irony that comes with the word "passion" originating from a Greek verb meaning to suffer, when ambition is generally supposed to lead others away from suffering. In the case of Richard Nixon, his ambition lead to his suffering: he aspired to have power, continued running after defeats in elections, which made him paranoid of political opponents, which led to the Watergate debacle, which was the beginning of the end of Nixons' presidency. Besides history, there are examples in literature, from the past and present, which occasionally tell the stories of what can become of excessive ambition that becomes uncontrollable passion. "The Tragedy of Macbeth" by William Shakespeare is a drama …show more content…

Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's wife, is the driving force that encourages Macbeth to overcome his doubts. She taunts him, calling him a "coward" and questioning his masculinity, because she knows Macbeth wants the power but lacks the gusto to do what it takes to achieve it. This uses Macbeth's ambition against him, as it calls him cowardly, when as a warrior, he spends a lot of time proving his lack of cowardice, in a time period where gender roles had major influence over people. Macbeth lets his ambition control him, allowing Lady Macbeth to drive him over the edge of his morale boundaries, which was the beginning of his demise (Shakespeare). With the external sources around Macbeth, it could appear like the witches and Lady Macbeth are what led to his downfall, but it is important to remember Macbeth's ambition was the source of pressure from outside sources and led to him being influenced by them. Macbeth begs the light to not shine on his "black and deep desires," so that way no one else can see his secret wishes. It is with this quote we know the witches and Lady Macbeth did not control him, beside Macbeth already had these desires within him

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