
Macbeth's Downfall

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The Downfall of Macbeth Macbeth was a hero to many but turned to evil, fulfilling his drive for ambition and love of power and greed. Macbeth was written in 1606 by William Shakespeare. The play portrays how any human is capable of becoming evil, despite how good they may have seemed. Macbeth was admired, respected and honoured as a brave soldier. However, the witches’ prophecies consumed Macbeth; completely changing and destroying the person he once was. The thought of power drove him insane. He became greedy, selfish and acted without thinking. He became disliked by all of Scotland for the person he had become. Macbeth was a tyrant and he had nothing left to live for. He caused his life to change for the worse and Macbeth knew he was the …show more content…

With Macbeth’s mistakes came consequences. As Macbeth committed more acts of evil he faced a life of misery and regret. He was no longer the brave soldier, he had gone mad and was filled with evil thoughts: “O full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!” (3.2.41) Macbeth was not well and struggled daily; having the many dark thoughts going through his head. Macbeth’s greedy and over ambitious traits took over and influenced every decision he made. Macbeth lost everything in which had meaning to him because of his actions. His greed and want for power convinced him to kill his King, whom he loved and respected. He was unable to forgive himself and lived with constant regret. Macbeth’s insecurity then forced him to kill his best friend, pushing him past his breaking point. To maintain his position as king, he felt as though he had to continue to murder those who did not support him. As the play progresses Macbeth continuously became more insane from all the guilt he was experiencing. His life became miserable; all because of the choices he had made. “Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player/ That struts and frets his hour upon the stage/ And then is heard no more. It is a tale/ Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing” (5.5.27-31). Macbeth believed he had nothing left to live for. In conclusion, Macbeth’s life was good, however he experienced a reversal of fortune when caught up in ambition and

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