
Maccs0640 Research Paper

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Many years ago, two highly technological civilizations of the MACS0647 galaxy warred. The inhabitants of both civilizations looked identical to humans, but they were short because they breathed propane instead of oxygen. Both sides started noticing their planet becoming eaten up by nuclear warfare, so they tried to find another planet to inhabit so they could finish the war.
The propane breathing civilization had to wear a propane suit because the Earth had not propane, but methane in its atmosphere. The other civilization was able to survive because they breathed methane. This planet, later known as Earth, was a bright blue color with land and water. It was, however, very cold because the Earth was farther away from its star, which was later …show more content…

These harmful gases caused the civilizations to mutate and change into oxygen-breathing creatures who remember nothing of the past. The nuclear fallout finally cleared around the time they woke up. These people agreed, and everything was prospering. The people had no name for the rock they were on, so they came up with ‘‘Earth’’.
Earth was a place full of great people and opportunity. Until currency was invented by the Earl of Dollar. This new revolutionary invention caused a new a new practice called thievery to happen. Tensions arose until violence started to occur. People started killing each other. Other people created settlements, which formed into countries. These countries thrived until disagreements inside each settlement caused people to leave and form new countries, which later fell to other, more prepared civilizations.
Although most of these civilizations prospered, some mysteriously disappeared. The new humans did not know what happened to their civilizations, and some blame it on their own gods, the ones responsible were the aliens that started everything. They are trying to get rid of the population so they can start sending more of their people there, but the humans would build another civilization or another civilization would claim that

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