
Machiavelli The Prince Summary Chapter 14

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The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli is a reflection of Machiavelli’s experiences in the world of power politics written in 1513 and published in 1532. Machiavelli wrote this piece after the Medici banished him from Florence. According to the textbook, he was imprisoned, tortured, and exiled. In chapters 15, 16, 17 and 18 of The Prince, Machiavelli discusses how an ideal prince should act. In chapter 15 he goes on to discuss that princes have qualities that attach praise or blame. Some princes have different qualities than others. A theme I found in the chapter is that people are quick to judge on a Prince. Princes are always in the limelight, and need to have a good public imagine to survive. When Machiavelli says “It seems to me better to follow …show more content…

A prince should only take from people who threaten him, not his own people. When a prince starts being generous his people will get greedy and expect him to give more. When the prince stops giving his people will turn. Chapter 17 Machiavelli asks the question is it better to be loved or feared. In the readings he states that it’s best to be both. However, love and fear can’t co-exist so, it’s better to be feared than loved. People can be feared and yet still not be hated. As long as a prince doesn’t take away property or women he would be consider a good prince. Machiavelli does not say much about being loved, only going on to say that “men even though they love you in the hour of need they will turn against you”. After reading this piece I concluded that Machiavelli believes that there is no benefit for being loved only failure. Chapter 18 Machiavelli argues that a prince should be both a man and a beast. He goes on to say that laws don’t work and the only way to govern is by being a beast and using force. He goes on to discuss public image again, and that being mercurial, humane, faithful, religious, and upright is the best qualities a prince can have. The public does not know who the prince really is. They will only know what the prince shows them. Machiavelli’s The Prince discusses a wide variety of topics in Chapters 15-18. The four chapters lay the blueprint for Machiavelli’s perfect prince. …show more content…

In the story, Swift gives human behaviors to imaginary peoples. Gulliver is considered a yahoo because of his lack of nobility and degenerate behavior. The reading selection his Gulliver’s response to a Houyhnhnm’s complement. Houyhnhnm’s are consider high class and the perfection of nature. The host says that Gulliver must come a noble family because he far exceeded his expectations of a yahoo. Gulliver responds that he in fact is not a noble man at all. Just because Gulliver is different from the typical yahoo he is still considered one. Gulliver is caught between the perfect Houyhnhnm’s and the degenerate yahoos. Gulliver is not perfect like the Houyhnhnms but is not degenerate like the yahoos. I think that Swift is trying to say that a person does not have to be categorized by class, and that most people fall in between the two spectrums. Both satires are examples of enlightenment writing. Swift uses sarcasm and symbolism to get his beliefs

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