
Spain Essay

Decent Essays

The paper Spain has been a country since 1516. Spain is a very large and diverse country. They are very populated and has the highest percent of population that speaks Spanish because the country's native tongue is Spanish. The main sport played in Spain is soccer. Spain's capital is Madrid. The prime minister of Spain is Mariano Rajot. The population of Spain is a rough estimate of about 46.77 million. Spain's economy is in terrible shape, not only compared to the Unites States but compared to every other country. Spain's budget is $481.90 billion. They are ranked 11th in the world for this highest budget. Spain had above average GPD growth, Gross Domestic Product, for about 15 years but the Spanish economy started to slow down in 2007 and …show more content…

Their government budget deficit was at its highest in 2010, it was 11.2% but the process to slow down the imbalance has been slow despite the governments effort to try to raise tax income and cut spending. Spain reduced its government budget to 9.4% of their GPD in 2011 and then cut it lower to 7.4% of their GPD in 2012. Their target is roughly 6.3% but it's being talked about between Spain and EU. Even though Spain's big budget deficit and bad economic grown, prospects remain a source of concern for investors in foreign countries because the government keeps on trying to cut their spending and make their labor markets more "flexible". Spain's government is also trying to "shore up" the banks by using $130 billion in EU funds to make struggling banks exposed to the destroyed domestic construction and real estate …show more content…

The US have had advantages since the end of World War 2. Since 1975, all the gains in household income are in the top 20% of homes. Since 1996 the capital gains have grown faster than wages or and other group of after-tax income. Imported oil is about 55% of US use. Crude oil prices doubled between the year 2001 and 2006. That was when house prices were at their highest and also gasoline prices increased so much that people actually started to fall behind in their mortgage payments. Oil prices went up another 50 % between 2006 and 2008 and the amount of banks that closed

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