
Macroeconomics Against Recession

Decent Essays

Throughout this five week class I have learned a lot regarding macroeconomics. One important topic that I have learned about and evaluated is the topic of increasing government spending to fight recession. I believe this is a good idea and I stand for it. I feel this way because it means that while we are in a recession, the government can try and increase employment and stimulate the economy with several forms of fiscal tools. To start you have to decide where recession is most significant. For example it could be on our trade partners, business incentives, or federal spending cuts. There could be more than one of those things that the country may be slacking on and there could be many options on how to fix the problems. Which leads us to …show more content…

They would want this because then the manufacturing that is happening in the US would increase. This would result in more jobs and also more money into the businesses and at a consumer level it would increase investment. Increasing global trade would also have many other benefits such as reducing poverty. Countries with a strong global trade relationship have been shown to have a more prosperous economy versus those who did not. Another way is by reducing taxes or creating tax credits for businesses. This would provide an incentive for businesses to continue or increase their production and investment. An example of this would be the WOTC (Work Opportunity Tax Credit). This incentive drives employers to hire individuals from certain target groups these target groups are individuals who have faced barriers when trying to become employed. Some examples of these target groups would be ex-felons, unemployed veterans, food-stamp recipients, and supplemental security income recipients. When employers hire individuals out of these groups they will then receive a tax credit. Another example of an incentive would be with a big business like Verizon, their goal is to sell phone line contracts to as many people as possible using their communication towers. So the government could say to them by the end of 2018, we would like to set a goal of 500,000,000 people using your service. They could give an incentive and say if you do this we will give you 1,000,000 to go toward your business. The incentive doesn’t always have to be a money amount. So if that were the case Verizon would want to do whatever they could to reach that goal to get the incentive. This would open up more jobs and provide an infusion of money into the economy. Another way is by cutting federal spending. By reducing our deficit it would increase the confidence of our allies and

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