
Malcolm Gladwell's Blink

Decent Essays

The moment that passes in the blink of an eye can be more important than you think. Malcolm Gladwell the author of the novel Blink(the power of thinking without thinking) tells the true importance of observing even the smallest moments in time. Malcolm is a Canadian journalist who writes of psychology. The power of the human brain and its unknown capabilities fills each and every page of his work. Malcolm’s writing throughout the novel writes about the subject rapid cognition and goes into detail on several different forms of the concept. The term thin-slice is the first form of rapid cognition described. Thin-slicing is the ability of our unconscious mind to recognize patterns and behaviors from “thin slices” of experiences. Malcolm describes the function as a natural human trait. We are able to understand a lot about a person from very minor cues including haircut, posture, facial expressions etc. With this small bit of information we are able to make inferences that are …show more content…

Priming is a way of molding someone's way of thin-slicing. For example, when given a compliment the subconscious mind remembers this as a reward for the brain releasing endorphins that make you feel good. By smiling and complimenting someone, you are priming their subconscious thoughts to think happy. It also works the other way around. Insulting and demeaning will prime the thoughts to be angry or upset. Priming does not have to be verbal. Tall individuals are known to have a positive effect on the way they are perceived. Therefore being tall is a non-verbal primer. Priming is often considered as a form of “brainwashing” as the goal is to alter the decision of the mind. Personally I do not believe that priming is a form of brainwashing because a conscious mind has more control over the subconscious. Even though instinct might come first, everyone has the ability to control their decisions. Priming just makes that step more

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