
Malvolio Twelfth Night

Decent Essays

The role of Malvolio in Twelfth Night is, generally, being the target of Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Maria’s pranks and foolishness. At the beginning of the play, he is very easy to find intolerable, due to his killjoy-like behaviour and vanity. However, by the end of the play, the audience mostly feel sorry for him, because of the malicious way that Sir Toby and others treat Malvolio. Despite this, Malvolio is one of the main sources of comedy, due to his gullibility and, as some say, his ‘foolishness’. My argument is that Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Maria are the real fools of Twelfth Night - Sir Toby in particular. ‘Fool - a person who acts unwisely or imprudently; a silly person.’ My first point is Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Maria are the real fools of Twelfth Night, since they create the foolishness, while Malvolio is simply a victim of their foolish behaviour. This ‘foolish behaviour’ is the pranks that Sir Toby and others pull and Malvolio is a victim of it since he is the victim of all their pranks. For example, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Maria forged a love letter from Olivia, addressed to ‘M, O, A, I’ (Malvolio). In this letter, ‘Olivia’ says ‘Remember who commended thy yellow stockings, and wished to see thee ever cross-gartered’. Malvolio falls for this and wears cross-gartered yellow stockings. Another display of their pranks is when Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria and Fabian tie Malvolio up in a dark room - ‘Come, we’ll have him in a dark room and …show more content…

Additionally, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are constantly drunk, which makes them act unwise and foolish throughout the whole play. Also, Malvolio takes himself seriously and isn’t aware of what other people think of him, but a fool would want other people to laugh and them and will purposefully say silly things. Therefore, Malvolio is not the real fool of Twelfth Night and Sir Toby, Sir Andrew and Maria

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