
Mama And Maggie In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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The story “ Everyday use “ by Alice Walker is a story of a family consisted of Mama and her two daughters Dee and Maggie. Dee is one of the main characters that is an independent woman, educated and has complete different views from Mama and Maggie. She has a lot of qualities and she has her own different style, which makes her stand out through out the story. Mama is really loving, forgiving, independent, frank stronger than most men, and mild tempered. Their goes Maggie who is really quiet, not open-minded and is an innocent young woman who has yet to come into her own. All these qualities that the author have given to the characters make them realistic through out the story.
Dee from a young age was really stylish and she always wanted …show more content…

Mama is really honest and clearly talks about her daughter’s limitations. She harshly describes shy, humiliated Maggie’s limitations, and Dee provokes an even more pointed evaluation. Mama is annoyed by the education, sophistication, and air of superiority that Dee has acquired over the years. She is proud of her hardy nature and ability to butcher hogs and milk cows. In the story, she literally turns her back on the house, the traditionally female space. She feels that it confines her too much. Mama lacks a broad view of the world and is, to some extent, intimidated by Dee. She doesn’t understand Dee’s life, and this failure to understand leads her to distrust Dee. Like Nancy Tuten have explained in her article “The story shifts abruptly to the past tense immediately after Dee declares that she has changed her name. Up until now, Mama has been caught in the tension between her annoyance with Dee and her instinctive desire to be "the way my daughter would want me to be." Yet when Dee goes so far as to disown her family identity, Mama reaches a watershed. As Hirsch explains in his article “Mama has previously been unable to express her anger at Dee (204), but now her older daughter has pushed her too far; now she is able to objectify the situation, to distance herself from it.” Dee sees her new persona as liberating, whereas Mama sees it as a rejection of her …show more content…

She is an innocent young girl who doesn’t have a lot of needs or wants like her older sister Dee. She was severely burned in a house fire when she was a child she was scarred all over her face. She lives at home and is protected by Mama and she is not really connected to the outside world she is just like Mama. She suffers from a crippling shyness and lack of education. Maggie doesn’t get involved in the life around her like her sister Dee does. Although Mama mentions that Maggie is going to marry John Thomas, it is doubtful that even a marriage will help Maggie become a strong and clearly defined individual. Mama, protective as she is of Maggie, is frank about her shortcomings and problems. Maggie’s relationship with Dee is filled with jealousy and awe. Mama recalls how Maggie had always thought Dee had been gifted with an easy life in which her hopes and desires were rarely, if ever, frustrated. The only time Maggie reveals the extent of her innermost desires is when Dee attempts to take the quilts that Mama had promised to Maggie. Maggie drops plates in the kitchen and then slams the door, outraged. Maggie does have a will, and although it is buried deep inside her, it comes through when what she desires most in the world is about to be taken away. Maggie’s character in the story is really realistic her qualities explains a lot about her she is just like a simple person who doesn’t have a lot of needs

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