
Mama, Dee And Maggie In Everyday Use By Alice Walker

Decent Essays

In the story “Everyday Use” Alice Walker shows how different ideas, decisions and thoughts help contribute to the way a person is. Mama, Dee and Maggie are all alike in a lot of different ways, at the same time they are different in many ways also. In this story, Mama, Maggie & Dee (Wangero) have a conflict which is resolved at the end of the story. This story also shows us how the things we value help shape who we are. Maggie has always felt a specific way about Dee (Wangero), She has always felt that Dee (Wangero) has always gotten what she wants. In the story Mama said "She thinks her sister has always held life in the palm of her hand, and that 'no' is a word that the world never learned to say to her". Mama is saying that everything was always given to Dee, and that she never had to actually work for anything. Maggie feels like this is not fair and that her being so “Spoiled” is the reason Dee acts the way she does. …show more content…

She’s always had this “higher up” attitude about herself. At the beginning of the story, Although she sees it, Mama tends to brush off the way Dee acts. "...that she would rather do a dance around the ashes...she hated that house so much." This quote proves that Dee has always been a certain way growing up. This quote is saying that Dee had so much hatred towards the house that she would dance dance on it’s ashes after it burned down. I think that as Dee’s character developed throughout the story it showed how she differed from Mama and how she valued different things than Mama. I would not say that Dee was ungrateful but she more-so had a certain attitude about

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